In the fields of automotive and aircraft manufacturing, the transition from microelectronics to nanoelectronics is a high priority. The goal of RESIST (RESilient Integrated SysTems) is especially powerful and robust components that simultaneously contribute to reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.
The requirements on electronic components rise. Therefore, electronic systems need increasing processing power and memory even as their energy consumption is minimized. Especially in automotive and aircraft manufacturing the miniaturization of electronics poses the risk of higher sensitivity to operating and environmental stresses. Suitable design methods are required to ensure that components function reliably even at extreme temperatures, for example.
Solution approach
The work of the RESIST partners aims to significantly increase the lifespan of electronic components in cars and certain future aviation applications. Methods will be developed that permit precise prediction of the behavior of individual chips as well as entire systems already during the design phase. These predictions spanning the entire planned period of use can then be taken into account during the system design. This requires a new development approach for electronics as well as additional circuit components. These advances will ensure that components can better tolerate operating stress conditions over the entire life of the vehicle. An “early warning system” is also being developed that will report any electronic degradation to the vehicle driver or maintenance service. For this purpose, the project partners are developing aging monitors that constantly monitor the current condition of safety-related components. This opens up new applications for electronics, which will in future replace mechanical components in even more areas. Moreover, RESIST will enable systems with control mechanisms to adapt optimally to external conditions in order to increase energy efficiency and safety.
Project status: completed