A real-time optimization of systems with distributed sensors and actuators to transmission latencies from 1 to 10 ms is the basis for a greater distribution of this technology to various fields of application. In order to achieve further development in this area, the project partners are examining technical requirements in specific application scenarios. In addition to the high demands on latency time, the systems must also be reliably available, and high data rates and a secure transmission must be ensured. Furthermore, self-powered sensors must also be considered in some cases, which are frequently part of the communication systems. Only through a holistic view of all of these aspects can the latency be reduced to very short values. As a result of the project, specifications will be developed for future systems as well as design guidelines for a new technology platform. The subject of the examinations are scenarios from human-machine interaction (HMI), industrial automation and transportation.
The approach to solving the problem
The approach of the project partners is based on two different approaches. On the one hand, they will optimize the latency starting from the currently used approach for the design of distributed systems. On the other hand, the status quo will also be fundamentally questioned and design guidelines for a new system design geared towards latency optimization will be developed. The Fraunhofer IIS/EAS focuses in "fast realtime" on applications from industrial automation. Here, the researchers specifically examine wireless systems where the query times are currently generally still insufficient for many application areas. This is because today's wireless communication systems always have a latency of several 10 ms and therefore do not yet meet the requirements of a real-time communication. The Fraunhofer researchers focus on specific applications in their analysis, such as an engine controller. In order to obtain realistic examination results from which the desired design specifications can be derived, they carry out experiments on a prototype and also consider reusable safety components.
Project status: completed