Fraunhofer Division EAS in Dresden

Research for Your Success


The Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS is one of Germany's most important industrial applied research facilities for the development of microelectronic systems.

The scientists in the Division Engineering of Adaptive Systems EAS, located in Dresden, develop key technologies for the connected world of tomorrow. Besides the design of reliable microchips and complex electronic systems in leading-edge semiconductor technologies, new concepts for sensor systems, the analysis of large amounts of data and the control of automation processes belong to the key acitivities. We focus on applications in the areas mobility and industrial automation in the business areas:

  • Design Methodology
  • Efficient Electronics
  • Distributed Data Processing & Control


The division originated as part of the Central Institute of Cybernetics and Information Processes. In 1992, the research institute became a branch lab and in 2006 a division of IIS. With the exception of base financing amounting to less than 25 percent, the budget is financed primarily via contract research.


Business Areas

IIS Annual Report

EAS Networks

Fraunhofer in Dresden

The Dresden region has always given birth to important inventions. Since 1992, Fraunhofer's scientists are also represented in Dresden in numerous technological fields. With its ten institutes, facilities and divisions, the city can now be considered the Fraunhofer capital. Dresden's commitment to be a future-oriented location for science and research was recognized with the title "City of Science 2006".

In addition to the exceptionally high density of research institutes, the city is also characterized by a close interlinking of research and industry, which gives rise to top achievements and innovative developments that set trends around the world.

Cutting-edge Research in Saxony

Not just Dresden but also the Free State of Saxony is known as an outstanding research landscape. European hard porcelain, the first small image reflex camera, the self-winding wrist watch, the drum washing machine, the tea bag, the coffee filter bag – all these are Saxon inventions that have spread throughout the world.

Today, Saxony is breaking new ground in microelectronics, nanotechnology, mechanical engineering, vehicle engineering and materials sciences with internationally renowned top research.



Video from the Saxon State Ministry for Science and the Arts