The kick-off for the innovation cluster for sensory technology in Saxony “SenSa” took place in Dresden.
Under the title “Sensory Technology in Saxony” (SenSa), seven networks from Saxony will work on this common goal during the next four years with clear focus on research, development, production and users: getting the sensory technology solutions of the future off the ground. Companies in Saxony should profit in particular from the results attained. They will produce and commercialize what SenSa unveils in terms of innovations, solutions and systems.
More than 100 attendees came to the kick-off event in November in Dresden and attended the podium discussion on the topic of “cross-industry sensory technology”, in which Fraunhofer IIS/EAS also took part and answered questions. Afterwards, the initial collaborative approach was discussed by the participants and SenSa partners during a project workshop.
SenSa emerged from the “Innovation Cluster” funding competition held by Saxony’s Ministry of Economic Affairs (SMWA), which sought ambitious future concepts that companies and researchers will be pursuing in order to develop new solutions for meeting the needs of tomorrow. This will result in more support for the concentrated collaborative work on developing future markets and technologies, by undertaking things such as holding regular workshops, formulating concrete action plans and utilizing shared infrastructures. Martin Dulig, the Minister for Economic Affairs remarks, “With our funding competition, which was started in 2017, we sought out ambitious projects for the future which would bring together scientific competencies and entrepreneurial instinct. We have found a far-reaching alliance of our strongest cluster initiatives, which is working together to ensure that modern sensory technology can be incorporated more efficiently and easily into the products being produced by medium-sized companies in Saxony. During this process, the focus is always on the user, or in other words, the industrial application. This enables us to reinforce Saxony as the place to be for cutting-edge products.” The innovation cluster SenSa is being funded by SMWA. The sponsors are Cluster Silicon Saxony, AMZ, Organic Electronics Saxony (OES) and Kompetenzzentrum Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik Sachsen-Thüringen e.V. (LRT).